Federal University of Rio de Janeiro

Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro)
Motto None.
Established September 7, 1920[1] (Medical School dates from 1808 - the second oldest medical school in Brazil) (Military and Engineering School dates from 1792)
Type Public university system, Federal
Endowment R$1.4 billion (2007)[2]
Chancellor Aloísio Teixeira
Vice-Chancellor Sylvia da Silveira de Mello Vargas
Admin. staff 8,491
Students 47,953
Location Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro (state), Brazil
Campus 3 campuses: (Ilha do Fundão, Praia Vermelha and IFCS; 2 independent buildings (Law and Music)
Mascot Minerva
Website [1]

The Federal University of Rio de Janeiro[3] (Portuguese: Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, UFRJ) is one of the largest federal universities of Brazil, where public universities comprise the majority of the best and most qualified institutions.[4] It is seated in the city of Rio de Janeiro, with three campi (Fundão island, Praia Vermelha and the humanities core at IFCS downtown) and two more independent buildings in downtown Rio.

It was founded on September 7, 1920, by President Epitácio Pessoa,[1] upon gathering a number of previously independent public institutions of higher education in the city. By then, Rio was the Brazilian capital and the federal government sought to stimulate scientific production in the nation's booming economy. Some of the colleges and schools which form UFRJ date back to the United Kingdom of Portugal and Brazil and to the Brazilian Empire, such as the [Escola Politécnica] (Polytechnical School - founded in 1792), Faculdade Nacional de Direito (National Law School - founded in 1882 and reestablished in 1891), Escola Nacional de Belas Artes (National School of Fine Arts) and the Faculdade de Medicina (Medicine School).

Initially the University was named Universidade do Rio de Janeiro. It was later renamed as Universidade do Brasil, on July 5, 1937. On December 17, 1945, the University achieved the status of full autonomy under the Brazilian Ministry of Education. In 1965 it was renamed as Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, according to the federal university system devised by the military government of Humberto de Alencar Castelo Branco. In 2000, the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro requested to retain its former title of Universidade do Brasil, on the grounds of the imposition of the current name by the military dictatorship during the 1960s. The request was granted and today the University may be called either name.

On the occasion of its foundation in 1920, the University was formed by joining three independent higher learning schools:

To these, other units were gradually created an incorporated, such as the Escola Nacional de Belas Artes (National School of Fine Arts) and the Faculdade Nacional de Filosofia (National Faculty of Philosophy).

A beautiful set of buildings of neoclassical design - originally constructed to be a sanatorium - was then set to lodge the new University, located at Avenida Pasteur, in the Urca district of the city, near the Praia Vermelha. During the 20th Century, due to the University's expansion, an entire archipelago (nowadays merged as one sole island - the Fundão Island) on Guanabara Bay was set apart for the construction of modern buildings which today host the University's administration and several of its colleges and research centers. Fundão is nowadays its main campus and many Brazilians refer to UFRJ simply as "Fundão".

UFRJ is ranked as one of the best universities in Brazil.



The University is divided in "Centers" and in independent units:

Undergraduate Courses

Portuguese Name English name Specialization
Administração Administration
Artes Cênicas Performing arts Scenography, Clothing, Theatre direction
Arquitetura e Urbanismo Architecture, Urbanism
Astronomia Astronomy
Biblioteconomia e Gestão de Unidades de Informação Library science
Ciências Atuariais Actuarial science
Ciências Biológicas Biology
Ciências Biológicas Modalidade Médica Biomedicine
Ciências Biológicas: Biofísica Biophysics
Ciências Biológicas: Biotecnologia Biotechnology
Ciências Biológicas: Microbiologia e Imunologia Microbiology and Imunology
Ciências Contábeis Accountancy
Ciência da Computação Computer science
Ciências da Matemática e da Terra Earth science
Ciências Econômicas Economics
Ciências Sociais Social sciences
Composição de Interior Interior design
Composição Paisagística Landscape design
Comunicação Social Social communication Journalism, Advertising and Propaganda
Comunicação Visual Design Visual communication
Conservação e Restauração
Dança Dance
Defesa e Gestão Estratégica Internacional Defence and International Strategic Management
Desenho Industrial Industrial design
Direito Law
Educação Artística Art Plastic arts, Drawing
Educação Física Physical education
Enfermagem e Obstetrícia Nursing Obstetrics
Engenharia Ambiental Environmental engineering
Engenharia Civil Civil engineering
Engenharia de Alimentos Food engineering
Engenharia de Bioprocessos Bioprocess engineering
Engenharia de Computação e Informação Computer engineering, Information engineering
Engenharia de Controle e Automação Control engineering
Engenharia de Materiais Materials engineering
Engenharia de Petróleo Petroleum engineering
Engenharia de Produção Industrial engineering
Engenharia Elétrica Electrical engineering
Engenharia Eletrônica e de Computação Electronic engineering
Engenharia Mecânica Mechanical engineering
Engenharia Metalúrgica Metallurgy
Engenharia Naval e Oceânica Naval engineering, Ocean engineering
Engenharia Nuclear
Engenharia Química Chemical engineering
Engenharia - Ciclo Básico
Escultura Sculpture
Estatística Statistics
Farmácia Pharmacy
Filosofia Philosophy
Física Physics Medical physics
Fisioterapia Physiotherapy
Fonoaudiologia Speech and language pathology
Geografia Geography
Geologia Geology
Gestão Pública para o Desenv. Econ. e Social Public Administration for Economic and Social Development
Gravura Engraving
História History
História da Arte History of art
Letras Linguistics Arabic Language, English Language, French Language, German Language, Greek Language, Hebrew Language, Italian Language, Japanese Language, Latin language, Portuguese language literature, Russian Language, Spanish Language
Matemática Mathematics
Matemática Aplicada Applied mathematics
Medicina Medicine Medicine, Physiotherapy, Speech Therapy, Occupational Therapy
Meteorologia Meteorology
Música Music Bassoon, Cello, Clarinet, Classical guitar, Conducting (Chamber musicChoir and Orchestra) Double Bass, Flute, Harp, Harpsichord, Horn, Mandolin, Composition, Oboe, Organ, Percussion instrument, Piano, Saxophone, Singing, Trombone, Trumpet, Tuba, Viola, Violin
Nutrição Nutrition
Odontologia Dentistry
Pedagogia Pedagogy
Pintura Painting
Psicologia Psychology
Química Chemistry
Química Industrial
Relações Internacionais International relations
Saúde Coletiva Public health
Serviço Social Social work
Teoria da Dança
Terapia Ocupacional Occupational therapy


See also

Brazil portal
University portal


  1. ^ a b http://www.ufrj.br/pr/conteudo_pr.php?sigla=HISTORIA
  2. ^ Portal da Transparência
  3. ^ http://www.coppead.ufrj.br/cimar2008/index.php?pg=General
  4. ^ Higher Education in Brazil: Challenges and Options "The public system, which includes many, but not all of the country's finest institutions, provides higher quality education than the private sector, charges no tuition, and limits the number of places."

External links